Monday, November 22, 2004

Your Marketing P's at Work Online

The 7 P's in Terms of Internet Presence: managing your website as a product

Product - how your product/service offering is represented on the site (appropriateness for target market), how the website itself treats the customer as an extension of the product (navigation, online support, online orders)
Price - online pricing strategy, bundling and discounts, online terms and conditions of sale, taxation and Internet Tax Freedom Act
Place - domain names, Search Engine Optimization (organic ranking), space (business categories online), distribution channels: website information (MaryKay) vs. purchases (Avon), local or national or international geographic targeting
Promotion - your online messages, your "signage" and graphics, paid online yellow page and business directories, SEO (organic and paid), sponsorships, affiliate linking, mini product sites, press releases and online credibility in comparative shopping sites, emails, e-newsletters, pop-ups, etc.

Packaging- doorway to your company (home page), how to reflect the style of your company and product in promotion and website (flash, multimedia, information, creative)
Positioning - create the ideal impression in the hearts and minds of your target market (see my discussion on online branding), benchmark competitive offerings and differentiate online presence
People/Process - how the site manages client contact (returns, ease of contact), online inventory management, online order fulfillment, online chats


At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any guides available that help traditionally brick and mortar companies bring a consistent message to their online presence? (ie: If my pricing strategy involves a lot of discounts, how can I translate that philosophy to the web with greatest effect?)


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